In need of Saving

The good old USA has Toppled, Biden has went ahead and issued executive orders to undo everything Trump did good or bad (just to spite President Trump), The Hate Groups Antifa and BLM continue to burn and destroy Portland Oregon even though the party they supported cheated there way into office. We have a High school Drama Queen (AOC Dumb as a rock) calling everyone racist and she has become paranoid that everyone is out to get her… Pelosi still trying to Impeach Trump (wasting Taxpayers money) I thought the whole idea behind this government was to be the voice of the people that support them (But now that they can cheat and get away with it why worry about the wants or needs of the People) The Politicians do not need the votes they can create them… it’s time to look at the big picture, the working class can not support a waistfull government letting in refugees and giving them our money to live so they can harvest the votes (we work dam hard some of us two jobs most our lives to get what we need to live a modest life and they give it away like candy…. this is all leading to disaster…. High Tech and the Elites now decide what we need to hear and what we dont? Can we make it through this… I think a revolution is coming. I am a peacefull old man but I see no other way out, the elite, Hi tech and our government has now seized control and they like the money and fame they get from controlling us. But back to the working class we are tired, we are overworked, we essentially take a pay cut when min wage goes up, and taxes will take the rest, eventually we will give up.. and when that happens it is over…

Your opinions on my ramblings please…..